Building Governance
73rd Constitutional Amendment Act was passed by parliament and provided a constitutional status to the panchayatraj institutions in India. Panchayatraj system got the constitutional mandate of being three tier of democratic governance in India. Panchayat also got the power to act as Self Government. But still lack of devolution of functional and financial powers and lack of will power of legislative and executive authorities has made it an ineffective. Panchayatiraj is the foundation of India’s political system, as a decentralized form of Self Government, in which each village would be responsible for its own affairs. But still India practicing centralized form of government for convenience of legislative and Bureaucracy.
73rd amendment provided powers and responsibilities to the panchayat as well as for implementation of 29 subjects listed in 11th schedule. But due to lack of knowledge and capacities, Panchayat members are not involve much effectively in their day to day work of Grampanchayat and Gramsabha. Women also got the reservation, but they need inputs and handholding support to work effectively.
We build the capacities of Gramsabha members and enhanced their skills of planning, execution, monitoring, advocacy and financial management. Gramsabhas have prepared their conservation and management plan of five years and are now executing with the support of various department. Gramsabhas took the initiative and executed their plan through various schemes. People got benefited from forest based livelihood and agriculture based livelihood through MGNREGA, ITDP, 14th finance commission, Forest and agriculture based schemes.