-GSMT has a strong team of more than 150 staff comprising technical experts and grassroots organizers- Agriculture graduates, agrotechnicians, civil engineers, social scientists, business administration, finance, etc.
-GSMT works amongst small and marginal farmers, landless, tribal and women addressing their poverty and vulnerability by organizing them in groups and institutions.
-We have formed over 500 farmers groups, 105 CFRMCs, 50 BMCs, 6 FPOs, 2 SHG federations etc. to facilitate self-sustainable processes amongst communities.
-We have set up two full-fledged training centres with accommodation capacities of 50 participants and also replicable livelihood models on GSMT lands.
-Constructive dialogues with policymakers and administrators are an ongoing process.
-Through such dialogues and convergence, we have mobilized over Rs. 50 crores for the development of natural resources.
-We work closely with agriculture universities, research institutions, similar-minded CSO networks, KVKs, etc. sharing our NRM experiences and learning new technologies from them.
-Working on community forest rights (FRA 2006) and MGNREGA 2005 we have facilitated a number of advocacy meetings at State level with policymakers for progressive GRs. For Example – GRs concerning Recognizing CFR Gram Sabhas as MGNREGS implementation agencies (30th Nov 2021) and setting up block-level convergence committees for the development of CFR lands (Nov 2021/Dec 2022.)